Yes all of us

This was meant to just be a post on LinkedIn after seeing a bunch of men saying “not all men” in comments on people’s posts. It was over the character limit though so here’s it in blog post form to be an accessible version of the screenshots I used on the LinkedIn post.

Yes all men, yes all non-POC, yes all cis people, yes anyone who experiences privilege where others are marginalised. Yes we are ALL responsible.

You might be a “good one” and so are all your friends, but you’re still included. Just because you’re not actively aggressive or harmful doesn’t mean you might not be passively.

Educate yourself by reading and listening to and supporting people who don’t experience the same privileges as you. Learn about women’s issues, anti-racism, trans issues, accessibility and inclusiveness. Specifically seek out activists in those spaces who hopefully have the backing for the time it takes to educate people (and back them with your donations, pay for your education).

Then spread that knowledge, I say “yes all” because you have the access and standing with your friends, family, and colleagues to bring these things to their attention and encourage them to get educated too. You can give them the basics but share and quote the activists you’ve learned from and, once you’ve got people listening, encourage people to engage with the activists content as they will do a better job of explaining the issues rather than talking for them. Amplify them, give them your platform.

And be careful sharing or bringing attention to a friend or someone who isn’t involved in activism but was brave and shared their insights or thoughts, ask them first before you do because you might accidentally bring an audience they’re not prepared for and if you do be ready to support them through that.

So yes we are all responsible. Yes we all participate in oppression.

You’re welcome to share this, and this hopefully acts as a flag to say call me out on my crap if I do something that doesn’t align with this even if it seems “minor”. I will listen and take steps to improve my understanding and behaviour.